
Little Heroes(リトルヒーローズ)は広尾学園の外国人スタッフ&日本人スタッフが運営します。

Mr. Davies (デイビス先生)
担当:English as a Foreign Language
Come enjoy English with Little Heroes!
We have lots of games, craft and fun activities to do in class, while we practice reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
We encourage you to use English to talk to your friends and teachers and enjoy the world of English language.
Let's have fun and learn together!

担当:English as a Foreign Language
Come and learn English.
Come and learn in English.
We'll help make English part of your future.

担当:Math and Science
Welcome, young scientists and mathematicians! I am excited to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery with all of you. In our classes, we will learn how to observe, measure, experiment, solve problems, and play games using the wonderful worlds of math and science. Let's have fun while we learn and discover the amazing world around us!